Thursday, 29 January 2015


Hey everybody! What's up? .. that was lame i know, but i have no slight idea on what am i supposed to write on my very first post.

My name is Haya and Im 17 years old, i started a book instagram account which worked out pretty well but you know how its .. i feel like i cant really say all of what i want to say in my book reviews there plus its not organized that well.

Hopefully ill stick to my blog and be able to review all of the books I've read/been reading and to post all of my bookhauls and basically everything book related.
I hope you guys enjoy all of my posts and reviews !

if you haven't figured it out already (wow then you're really slow) this is a book blog .. I'm not even sure that they call it a book blog but its what its.

So here's my instagram account link in case you want to check it out (no pressure there)

^ this picture is old and lame but its the only one I've got in my laptop atm and i feel like my post is naked if i don't add a picture in it

anyway if you scrolled down all the way to here without thinking about exiting my blog then know that i appreciate all the effort in doing that even though I've embarrassed myself multiple times in one post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Haya! I follow you on Instagram and I love your account! So glad you decided to start a blog as well!
